Shoulder Pain

If you're ready to progress beyond theraband exercises or maybe they aren't working for you - we're here to offer you the solution.

The Exercise Lab Shoulder Pain Program commitment is to pave the roadmap, so you can seamlessly progress step by step. That is - you will understand exactly what needs to be done for you to successfully progress between appointments - without the guess work

This program is for the shoulder that:

  • Doesn't let you move freely and enjoy activities

  • Gives you pain regardless of what you do

  • Is in need of exercise that is safe and effective

    • Identify and address the primary cause of your pain, not just the symptoms you may experience.

    • Assess the limitations associated with your shoulder and spine - not just the point of pain.

    • Build a roadmap which outlines your treatment plan so you aren't left feeling unsure about your recovery.

    • Individualised program tailored to your upper limb weakness and asymmetries - focusing on creating muscular balance.

    • Develop a game plan to manage your pain so you can get back to spending your time the way you want.

    • Progress beyond the theraband exercises! We provide exercise bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

    • Rebound from your injury & pain! Live each day the way you want, without restriction.

    • Sleeping, computer work, reaching and carrying, turn from activities you dread to activities you enjoy.

    • Learn what movements work for your body today, tomorrow and years from now.